We have a monthly dinner tradition with some of our neighbors. Each month, someone hosts, and every couple brings either the main course, an appetizer, or a dessert. Tonight, it was my turn for dessert, and you know how I can get carried away…
Somehow for a rather simple recipe, I still made of mess of my kitchen. How is there a white flour-like mess on my counter tops after the only powder-like ingredient I used was corn starch, and I only used 3 tablespoons. Kitchen messes continue to be a mystery.

2 Pie crusts (Pillsbury always works for me)
48 oz. blackberries (4, 12 oz. containers)
2/3 cup sugar
3 tbsp corn starch
1 tbsp lemon juice.
2 Pie crusts (Pillsbury always works for me)
48 oz. blackberries (4, 12 oz. containers)
2/3 cup sugar
3 tbsp corn starch
1 tbsp lemon juice.
Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Unroll one pie crust along the bottom of your pie pan. After rinsing blackberries, mix blackberries, sugar, corn starch and lemon juice in a bowl. Pour this bowl’s contents into pie pan. Roll out the second pie crust on a cutting board, and slice it into 1 inch strips. Remember how you latticed construction paper in elementary school to make Easter baskets? Follow suit with these strips of dough, pressing together the edges. Dabbing this lattice with melted butter has a pretty browning effect. Bake for 15 minutes at 450, and then reduce heat to 375 for the remaining 40-45 minutes. Covering the edges of the pie with aluminum foil or a pie guard can prevent over-browning the outer crust.

I served it with a scoop of Turkey Hill vanilla ice cream on top. (I learned today by perusing the ice cream in the Kroger freezer that Turkey Hill was one of the few ice creams without corn starch and with all natural ingredients. They were not the only one to claim “natural ingredients” but they were the only one where I understood and could picture each and every ingredient on the list. Sorry to sound like a commercial, but I needed to share my discovery.)
In the end, it turned out pretty well. It was tasty, but it was an absolute mess. I think it needs more of a breadcrumb or something similar in the middle with the blackberries to hold it together in actual slices. I'll definitely try it again, though.
Happy cooking!
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